* Fine binding * The Divine Comedy of Dante (Translated By Longfellow) 1891


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SKU: 267090026445 Category:


Author: Dante Alighieri (Translated By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)

Title: The Divine Comedy of Dante

Publication: Published By George Routledge and Sons London 1891…… (See Pictures)

Condition and Status of the Book:

This is a Very Good Copy of this book in a very handsome full leather binding with elaborate gilt design to both spine and upper cover with green moroccan inlaid borders to the front and rear covers,with brown morrocan title label to spine and lettered in gilt.All page edges are in gilt with bevelled edges and with inner gilt dentelles.Former owner’s woodcut bookplate to the front pastedown of Herbert J Richardson Newcastle Upon Tyne and attractive fishing scene.Attractive patterned endpapers.There is some spotting to the pre-lims but contents remain clean internally.Binding is firm with no weakness to hinge join.Attractive copy for the collector.The epic poem, The Divine Comedy, is about the author’s journey towards God. It has three parts: Inferno (Hell), Purgatorio (Purgatory), and Paradiso (Heaven). Each part consists of some 33  cantos.This division reflects the medieval theology specific to Christianity. The purpose of Dante’s Divine Comedy was to show people the horrors their souls would go through if they did not obey God’s laws and did not live righteously.Thick 8vo 760pp [1891] 


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Additional information

Weight 1.20 kg


Country/Region of Manufacture




Special Attributes

Fiction Subject

Year Printed






Non-Fiction Subject

Place of Publication

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