Book Author
Book Author
Book Author
A Adu Boahen
A Claude Brown
A Harris
A Harry Griffin
A Holden Illingworth
A Rhys Williams
A St John Adcock
A Wainwright
A.A. Milne
A.A. Thomson and Dorothy Middleton
A.B. Cox
A.C. Davis
A.C. Inchbold
A.C. Underwood
A.D. Lacaille
A.E. Clifford
A.E. Coppard
A.E. Housman
A.E. Ironmonger
A.E. Van Vogt
A.G. Steel and R.H. Lyttelton
A.G.E. Jones
A.J. Hanna
A.J. Martin and F Wulfsberg (Edited By)
A.J. Wrottesley
A.J.A. Morris
A.K. Blakemore
A.L. Berridge
A.L.P. Norrington (Edited By)
A.N. Wilson
A.P. Thornton
A.P. Wadsworth and J.De Lavcy Mann
A.R. Downer (Champion Sprinter of the World)
A.S. Byatt
A.W. Skempton (Edited By)
Aaron Klieman
Abbas Amanat
Adam Roberts
Adam Sedgwick (David Boulton)
Adam Thorpe
Adrienne E. Gavin
Agnes Grace Weld
Agnes Littlejohn
Alan Dare (Pseud George Goodchild)
Alan Delgado
Alan Dumayne
Alan Houghton Brodrick
Alan Hudson
Alan J.S. Paterson
Alan Lupack
Alan Mansfield & Phillis Cunnington
Alan Sillitoe
Alastair Lamb
Albert L Stillman
Aldous Huxley
Alec Clifton-Brown
Alec Lumsden
Alessandro Manzoni
Alex Gray
Alex Scarrow
Alexander Groves
Alexander Kent
Alexander Macdonald
Alexander Nicolson
Alexandre Koyre
Alf Wannenburgh
Alfred Bestall
Alfred Cope
Alfred Cope (Edited By)
Alfred E.T. Watson
Alfred Edward Garwood
Alfred Hayes
Alfred Mills
Alfred Wainwright
Alfred Watkins
Algis Budrys
Alice A Bailey
Alison Fleming
Alison G Taylor
Alison Uttley
Alister McCrae & Alan Prentice
Allan B. Crawford
Allan Brodie and Gary Winter
Allan Cole and Chris Bunch
Allan Cole, Chris Bunch
Allan Mallinson
Allan McLane Hamilton
Allan V Elston
Allan Vaughan Elston
Allen E. Roberts
Allen J. Greenberger
Alma M. Karlin
Amales Tripathi
Amanda P. Grange
Amar Kaur Jasbir Singh
Amitav Ghosh
Anand Hall
Anders Sparrman
Andra Kirkaldy Told To Clyde Foster
Andre Maurois
Andre Norton
Andrea Mitchell
Andrew D Kalmykow
Andrew Gallimore
Andrew Klavan
Andrew Lang
Angela Brazil
Angela Huth
Angela Turner and Chris Rose
Angus Mitchell
Angus Ross
Anita Desai
Anja Muller
Ann Bridge
Ann Clayton
Ann Cleeves
Ann Jellicoe
Anna Neagle
Anna Pasternak
Anna Richards
Annabel Walker
Anne Baker
Anne Bonney
Anne Enright
Anne Macmanus
Anne Parrish
Anne Rice
Anne Samson
Annie R Rentoul and Ida Rentoul Outhwaite
Anthony Buckeridge
Anthony H Croxton
Anthony Horowitz
Anthony Kirk-Greene
Anthony Powell
Anthony Pritchard
Anthony Pritchard & Keith Davey
Anthony Sattin (Edited By)
Antonio Creti and Salvatore Marafioti
Antonio De Navarro
Archibald & Nan Clow
Archibald Geikie
Archibald M'Sparran
Archie Joscelyn
Archie Moore
Ardern Holt
Arno Dosch-Fleurot
Arnold Bennett
Arnold L Goldsmith
Arnold Lunn
Arnold Wesker
Arthur Applin
Arthur Bain
Arthur Catherall
Arthur Christopher Benson
Arthur Conan Doyle
Arthur Freeman
Arthur Godfrey and Pater Lassey
Arthur Gould Lee
Arthur Keppel-Jones
Arthur L Woolf
Arthur Miller
Arthur Morrison
Arthur Quiller-Couch (Edited By)
Arthur R Hughes
Arthur Rackham
Arthur Raistrick
Arthur Raistrick and Bernard Jennings
Arthur Sellings
Arthur Waley
Arturo De Hoyos
Asghar H. Bilgrami
Attributed To Richard Burton (Translated By His Friend F.B.)
Aubrey Menen
Augustus Grimble
Augustus Jessopp
Austin Bidwell
Austin Freeman
B Baker
B Heckstall-Smith
B Kirkby
B.C. Alferoff (Edited By)
B.H. Humble
B.J. Slot
Barbara Hunt
Barbara Trapido
Barbara Windsor with Robin McGibbon
Barker Fairley
Baron F. Duckham
Barratt O'Hara
Barre Lyndon
Barry Flynn
Barry John with Paul Abbandonato
Barry Jones
Barry Maitland
Barry Phelps
Basil Davidson
Bear Hudson
Benny Leonard
Benoit Perot
Bernard Cornwell
Bernard Darwin
Bernard Levin
Bernard M. Allen
Bernard Venables
Betty King
Bharati Mukherjee
Bill Bryson
Bill Curtis
Bill Doherty
Bill Fawcett
Bill Hughes and Patrick King (Edited By)
Bill Naughton
Billy Charlton
Billy Liddell
Billy Mahoney
Bip Pares
Blake Morrison
Bob Champion and Jonathan Powell
Bob Goodwin
Bohun Lynch
Boris de Rachewiltz
Bradford G. Martin
Bradley Wiggins
Bram Stoker
Brenda Knight
Brian Anson
Brian Blessed
Brian Britton
Brian Burland
Brian Hughes
Brian Pead
Bruce Chatwin
Bruce Cherry
Bruce Grobbelaar
Bruce Lancaster
Bruce Laurie
Bruce Munslow
Bruce Robertson
Bruce Woodcock
Bryan Guinness
Bryan Perrett & Anthony Lord
Bryan Robson
Bryony Fuller
Buck Billings
By A Lady of Distinction
C Hamilton Ellis
C Leonard Woolley and T.E. Lawrence
C.A.E. Lea (Edited By MW Daly)
C.D. Buchanan
C.D. Cowan
C.E. Baldwin
C.E. Sutcliffe and F Hargreaves
C.F. Andrews and E.B. Morgan
C.H. Philips
C.J. Hunt
C.J. Sansom
C.J. Spencer and R.H. Postlethwaite
C.L. Eugene Kim and Han-Kyo Kim
C.M. Kornbluth
C.N and A.M. Williamson
C.O. Burge
C.P Skrine and Pamela Nightingale
C.R. Acton
C.S. Forester
C.T. Watts (Edited By)
C.W. de Kiewiet
C.W. Newbury
Cameron McNeish
Candace Bushnell
Capt T.H. Cooper
Capt W.E. Johns
Captain C.G.T. Dean
Captain Eric Rickman
Captain Robert Weir and Moray Brown
Captain W.E. Johns
Captain William H.S. Jones
Carl Fallas
Carlo Ginzburg
Carlos Peacock
Carlton Younger
Caroline G Bott (Foreword By Paul McCartney)
Catherine Aird
Catherine Butler and Hallie O'Donovan
Catherine Carswell
Catherine Pomeroy Stewart
Catherine Reynolds
Cecil Aldin
Cecil Freeman Gregg
Cedric Watts
Chad Oliver
Charles Belgrave
Charles Bell
Charles Chenevix Trench
Charles Crombie
Charles Dickens
Charles Dunscomb
Charles Francis Coe
Charles G. Harper
Charles Hadfield
Charles Holme (Edited By)
Charles J Shields
Charles James Cropper
Charles Kingsley
Charles Lind
Charles Miller
Charles Palk Collyns
Charles Roetter
Charles Roper
Charles Skyraft
Charlie Higson
Charlotte and Denis Plimmer
Charlotte Armstrong
Chatto & Windus
Chay Blyth
CHB Kitchin
Chester Hines
Chingiz Aitmatov
Chris Aspin
Chris Feare and Adrian Craig
Chris Harvey
Chris Howes
Chris Rees
Chris Wooding
Christian Bonington
Christine Bolt
Christopher Fry
Christopher Hodder Williams
Christopher Hope
Christopher I Beckwith
Christopher Lever
Christopher Parkes
Christy Lefteri
Clare Balding
Claus Knig,Friedhelm Weick and Jan-Hendrick Becking
Clemence Dane
Clinton H. Stagg
Clive Barker
Clive Byers,Urban Olsson and Jon Curson
Clive Woodall
Col John Ward
Colin Campbell
Colin Dexter
Colin Spencer
Colin Wilson
Collie Knox
Colonel J.F. Maurice
Colonel M.N. Gulati
Colonel R Meinertzhagen
Colonel Sir Hugh Boustead
Colum Giles and Ian Goodall
Commander Frank Worsley
Constance Heward
Cora Cheney
Cornelio Schrevelio
Cornell Woolrich
Craig Thomas
Crosbie Garstin
Cyrus Redding,J.R. Beard and W.C. Taylor
D Russell Connor
D.Alan Stevenson
D.C.M. Platt
D.E. Rivett-Carnac
D.F. Fleming
D.G. Compton
D.H. Rayner and J.E. Hemingway
D.J. Price (Edited By)
D.J. Watkins-Pitchford
D.K. Fieldhouse (Edited By)
D.M. Booy
D.M. Schreuder
Dagmar O'Connor
Daisy Ashford
Danby Pickering
Daniel Defoe
Daniel L Overmyer
Daniel P Stokes
Danield O'Connor
Danielle Thomas
Dante Alighieri
Danya Kukafka
Darley Dale
Darrell Bates
Daryll Forde & P.M. Kaberry
Dave Batters
David Alston
David Ashforth
David Ault
David Beckham with Tom Watt
David Brewer
David Caldwell
David Duncan
David Edward Owen
David Garnett (Edited By)
David Gemmell
David Gillard
David Goodyear and Tony Matthews
David H Keller
David Holden
David J. Froggatt
David Jack
David King
David L Smith
David Lytton
David Macdonald
David McCullough
David Nobbs
David Ovason
David P. Billington
David Pam
David Pye
David Roberts
David Ross
David Stevenson
David Stuart Leslie
David Stuart Ryan
David Sunderland
David Walliams
David Williams
DCM Platt
Denise D Knight (Edited By)
Denise Robins
Dennis Wheatley
Denys Corley Smith
Derek Waller
Derek Winter
Devonshire and Marlborough
DH Lawrence
Dick Francis
Dick Francis, John Welcome
Dinah Dean
Dirk Bogarde
Dodie Smith
Dominic Mieville
Don Bradman
Donald Bradley
Donald Fraser
Donald Portway
Donald Read
Donald Sinden
Donald Watson
Dora Owen
Dorian Gerhold
Doris and Hilary Severn
Dorita Fairlie Bruce
Dorothy E Rivett-Carnac
Dorothy Hartley
Dorothy M. Fisk
Dorothy Middleton (Edited By)
Dorothy Pilley (Mrs I.A. Richards)
Dorothy Stroud
Dorothy Summers
Dorothy Una Ratcliffe
Dorothy Woodman
Douglas A. Lorimer
Douglas Busk
Douglas Carruthers
Douglas Freshfield
Douglas Hewitt
Douglas Hill
Douglas Knoop and G.P. Jones
Douglas Mason (Alias John Rankine)
Douglas Reeman
Douglas W Freshfield (Edited By)
Dr Barnardo (Edited By)
Dr Carl Peters
Dr G.M. Bayliss
Dr Guenther Wachsmuth
Dr Heinrich Schnee
Dr Joseph Augusta
Dr Julius Kugy
Dr Seuss
Dr T.R. Sim
Dudley Watkins
Duncan Kennedy
Dylan Thomas
E C Somerville
E Everett Green
E Lynn Linton
E. Moberly Bell
E.A. Armstrong
E.A. Hickson
E.B. Mitchell,Walter Armstrong and Others
E.F. Benson
E.F. Knight
E.G. Boulenger
E.G.R. Taylor
E.H. Parsons
E.H. Shackleton
E.J Detmold (Florence Dugdale)
E.J. Lowe & Assisted By W Howard
E.L. Ahrons
E.O. Lorimer
E.R. Treharne
E.T. McCarthy
E.W. Cooke (Notes by Roger Finch)
Earl Repp
Edgar Wallace
Edited By A Friend of The Family
Edited By David Anderson and David Killingray
Edited By Frederick Pohl
Edited By J Hudson With Mr Wordsworth and Rev Professor Sedgwickj
Edited By Jeffrey Richards
Edited By Liu Ts'un-yan (edited By)
Edited By Robert O Collins and Francis M Deng
Edited By Taswell,Taylor,Rawcliffe,Hall & Joseph
Edmund Bogg
Edmund Crispin
Edmund Price
Edmund S.K. Fung
Eduard Mohr
Edward Albee
Edward Atiyah
Edward Banks
Edward Cox
Edward Crankshaw
Edward Drummond Young
Edward Fitzgerald
Edward Fitzgerald (Translated By) Carpentier
Edward Grierson
Edward Horne
Edward Ingram
Edward J Larson
Edward Marston
Edward O'Brien @ John Cournos
Edward Paterson Del Hoste (Edited By Matthew Cook)
Edward Shacklady
Edward Shanks
Edward Whymper
Edwin G. Schary
Edwin P Hoyt
Edwin Thomas
Efim Rezvan
Eileen Jay
Eitan Bar-Yosef
Elaine Feinstein
Eleanor Dunbar Hall
Eleanor Updale
Eleanour Sinclair Rohde
Eli Chappe
Elinor Brent-Dyer
Eliot Crawshay-Williams
Eliphas Levi (Translated By Arthur Edward Waite)
Eliphaz Levi (Edited By W Wynn Westcott)
Elis Karlsson
Elisaveta Kandyba-Foxcroft
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Elizabeth Clark
Elizabeth David
Elizabeth W Grierson
Ella K. Maillart
Ellen Wilkinson and Edward Conze
Elliott O'Donnell
Elspeth Cooper
Elspeth Huxley
Emma Robertson
Emma Smith
Eng Capt Edgar C Smith
Enid Bagnold
Enid Blyton
Enrico Benzing
Eric Ambler
Eric Axelson
Eric Byne and Geoffrey Sutton
Eric Cleave
Eric Dymock
Eric Mason
Eric Mercer
Eric Parker
Eric Shipton
Eric Taverner and W.E. Barrington-Browne
Erle Stanley Gardner
Ernest A Baker
Ernest Crawley
Ernest H Shepard
Ernest Nister
Ernest P Moyer
Ernst Juenger
Esther Forbes
Eugene Ionesco
Evangeline Adams
Evans Lewin
Evelyn Le Chene
Evelyn Waugh
Ewan MacColl
F Paul Wilson
F Spencer Chapman
F Tennyson Jesse
F. Kingdon-Ward
F.A. Hornibrook
F.C. Ball
F.G. Rayer
F.H. Doughty
F.J. Harvey Darton
F.K. Pearson
F.M. Bailey
F.M. Cutlack
F.M. Du-Plat-Taylor
F.P. Delme Radcliffe
F.S. Smythe
F.T. Bullen and W.F. Arnold
F.T. Wainwright (Edited By) H.P.R. Finberg)
F.W. Lewis
F.W. Robins
Felix Riesenberg
Fenton Bresler
Fenton Wyness
Fergus Macpherson
Fiona Pitt-Kethley
Fitzroy Maclean
Florence N Millar
Florence Riddell
Frances Browne
Frances Fyfield
Francesco Petrarca
Francis Beeding
Francis Brett Young
Francis Buchanan Hamilton
Francis Clater (Revised By D McTaggart)
Francis Gribble
Francis Hitchman
Francis King
Francis M. Walbran
Francis Meynell
Francis Pollini
Francis W. Galpin
Francois Boyer
Frank Card
Frank Debenham
Frank Dowling
Frank Eisgruber
Frank Finn
Frank Gray Griswold
Frank Kingdon-Ward
Frank McLynn
Frank Richards
Franz Schulze
Fred H Crossley
Freddie Mills
Frederic Maccabe
Frederick Keller Stamm
Frederick McDermott
Frederick S Williams
Frederick S. Robinson
Frederick Smyth
Freeman Wills Crofts
Freya Stark
Fridtjof Nansen
Friedrich Durrenmatt (Translated By James Kirkup)
Fritz Fischer
G Walter Cooke
G.A. West and D.C. Atwool
G.B. Endacott
G.B. Sansom
G.E. Fogg
G.E. Harvey
G.E.M. Skues
G.F. Green
G.F. Hughes
G.F. Pardon
G.K. Chesterton
G.L. Grant
G.O. Dyhrenfurth (Translated By Hugh Merrick)
G.P. Taylor
G.S. Beard
G.V. Desani
G.W. Monger
Gabriel Warburg
Garry Adler
Garth Dykes
Gaston Rebuffat
Gavin Evans
Gavin Friday (illustrated By Bono)
Gavin Young
General Booth
General Bramwell Booth
General Evangeline Booth
Genesta Hamilton
Geoff Hurst
Geoffrey Crump
Geoffrey Gambado
Geoffrey Horne
Geoffrey Jaggard, Tony Ring, P. G. Wodehouse, Bernard Canavan
Georg Seitz
George Alexander Lensen
George Best
George Birmingham
George Borodin
George Ewart Evans
George F Chambers
George Frankl
George Garrett
George Ingle
George Johnston
George Lowe
George MacBeth
George MacDonald Fraser
George Manning Sanders
George Martelli
George McGilvary
George Miles
George Orwell
George Pelecanos
George Pottinger
George Pottinger and Patrick Macrory
George S Emmerson
George Seaver
George Shipway
George W Beldam
George Weston
George Yeld (Edited By)
Georges Anson
Georges Blond
Georges Carpentier
Georges Simenon
Georgina Howell
Geraint Jones
Gerald Durrell
Gerald Morgan
Gerard M Friters
Gerda Charles
Germain Bazin
Gertrude Atherton
Gertrude Bone
Gervase Phinn
Gilbert Abbott A Beckett (Edited By)
Gilbert Norwood
Gill Arbuthnott
Gillian Tindall
Giuseppe Marotta
Giuseppe Tucci (Translated By Lovett Edwards)
Gladys Mitchell
Glencairn Balfour Paul
Glyndwr Williams (Edited By)
Glynne Owen Jones
Godey (Edited By)
Godfrey Evans
Godfrey Goodwin
Gordon Ferris
Gordon Home
Gordon Nimse
Gordon Pirie
Gordon Symes
Gordon T. Stewart
Gordon Young
Gosta E Sandstrom
GPR James
Graham Greene
Graham R Tomson (Edited By)
Graham Robson
Graham Swift
Grant Madison Hervey
Grant Richards
Greg Dinallo
Gregory S Dinallo
Guido Rey
Guy N. Smith
Gwen Moffat
H Cholmondeley Pennell & Other Contributors
H De Montherlant
H Hervey
H Leon McBeth
H Nearing jr
H Rider Haggard
H Stanely Redgrove
H. Ryder Haggard
H.A. Vallance
H.C. Bailey
H.E. Hurst
H.E. Penrose
H.F. Witherby
H.G. Wells
H.G.C. Swayne
H.H Dixon
H.J. Mackinder (Edited By Michael Barbour)
H.J.M. Johnston
H.L. Mullins
H.M. Paget
H.M. Tomlinson
H.M.E. Clamp
H.P. Price
H.R. Jukes
H.R. Schubert
H.W. Dickinson
H.W. Dulcken
H.W. Holgate
H.W. Lee
H.W. Tilman
Hakan Rydin and John Jeglum
Halewood,H.H. (Edited By)
Halliday Sutherland
Halliwell Sutcliffe
Hamilton Ellis
Hamish Macinnes
Hank O'Neal
Hannah Hauxwell with Barry Cockcroft
Hans Andersen
Hans Tanner
Hans Winkler,David A Christie and David Nurney
Harlan Ellison (Edited By)
Harold D Bowtell
Harold Fairhurst
Harold Fletcher
Harold Furniss (Edited By)
Harold Ingrams
Harold Noice
Harold Pinter
Harold R Fletcher
Harold Riley
Harold Stuart Thompson
Harriet Tuckey
Harry Cleveland
Harry Hanson
Harry Hieover
Harry Johnston
Harry Mark Petrakis
Harry Pegg
Harry Redknapp
Harry Sanford
Harry Sidebottom
Harry Whittington
Haupt Heydemarck (Translated By Claud W Sykes)
Hayden Coffin
Heather O'Donoghue
Heaton Cooper
Hector Bolitho
Heinrich Schiffers
Heinrich Vedder (Translated By Cyril Hall)
Helen & Louwrens Van Rensburg
Helen A Fairlie
Helen Cresswell
Helen Douglas Irvine
Helen Huntington
Helen Kendrick Johnson
Helen MacInnes
Helen Mackay
Helen Simpson
Helmer Hanssen
Hendrick Groen
Henrietta Knight
Henry Boguet
Henry Cadman
Henry Cecil
Henry Cholmondeley-Pennell
Henry Davenport Graham (Edited By J.A. Harvie-Brown)
Henry F Holt
Henry Green
Henry Kuttner
Henry Longhurst
Henry M. Stanley
Henry Miller
Henry Morton Stanley
Henry S.L. Alford and W. Dennistoun Sword
Herbert Ponting
Herbert Shappiro
Herbert Simmons
Herbie Hide with Graham Maclean
Herman Melville
Hermann Hesse
Hilda Cowham
Hoh-Cheung Mui and Lorna H Mui
Holden Furber
Honore De Balzac
Honore Willsie Morrow
Horace Marryat
Howard Jacobson
Howard Pease
Howard Robinson
Howard S Levy (Foreword By Arthur Waley)
Hubert J. Walker
Hugh Howey
Hugh Lofting
Hugh MacLennon
Hugh Marshall Hole
Hugh Merrick
Hugh Miller
Hugh Ruttledge
Hugh Scott
Hugh Stutfield and J Norman Collie
Hugh Symonds
Hugh Walpole
Humbert Wolfe
I.J. Sanders
I.M. Dubois
Iain Banks
Iain Dale
Iain Gale
Iain Manson
Iain McCartney
Iain R Smith
Ian B Stoughton Holbourn
Ian Fleming
Ian Hunter
Ian J Kerr
Ian Macnab
Ian McEwan
Ian Moore
Ian Morrison and Alan Shury
Ian Rankin
Ian Ross & Gordon Smailes
Ian Rutledge
Ida Rentoul Outhwaite
Ignotus (Revised By A Hunter)
Igor Sentjurc
Immanuel C.Y. Hsu
Ingrid Black
Intro by Stanley Baron
Iorwerth C Peate
Irene Nemirovsky
Irvine Hunt (Edited By)
Irwin Shaw
Isaac Asimov
Isaac Hinchliffe
Isaak Walton and Charles Cotton
Isambard Kingdom Brunel
Ismat Hasan Zulfo
Ivy Bolton
J Gordon Hayes
J Gunn and WP Livingstone
J Knox McConnell
J Laughton Johnston
J Middleton Murry (Edited By)
J Newton Friend
J Routh
J. Spencer Trimingham
J.A. Cole
J.A. de C. Hamilton
J.A. Hammerton
J.A. Kappey
J.A. Kyle
J.A. Spender
J.A. St John
J.A. Williamson
J.A.B. Palmer
J.B. Kelly
J.C. Eade
J.D. Marshall
J.D. Marshall and John K Walton
J.F.A. Ajayi
J.G. Ballard
J.G. McDonald
J.H. Appleton
J.H. Palmer
J.I.C. Boyd
J.J Doughty (collected by HM Kelly)
J.K. Rowling
J.M. Barrie
J.M. Barrie (Retold by May Byron)
J.M. Gregson
J.M. Richards
J.N. Westwood
J.P.R. Wallis
J.R. Gregory
J.R. Planche
J.R. Ward
J.R.L. Anderson
J.R.R. Tolkien Christopher Tolkien
J.T. Sheppard
J.V. Hewes
J.W.Martin (The Trent Otter)
Jack Cope
Jack Dempsey
Jack Dewhurst
Jack Johnson
Jack Jordan
Jack London
Jack Ludlow
Jack Mitchell
Jack Simmons
Jack Trevor Story
Jack Vance
Jackie Cooper (Edited By)
Jackson Cole
Jacques Reindorp
James Alderson
James Ambrose Brown
James Backhouse Walker
James Barke
James Barnett
James Bates
James Bell
James Boswell
James Crossley
James Crumley
James E Handley
James Edward Smith
James H. Longworth
James Hartley
James Holmes
James I.C. Boyd
James Kennaway
James Leasor
James Lees-Milne
James Longworth
James Lowes
James M Cain
James Macqueen
James Mansergh
James Maundrell
James Reynolds
James Rice
James S Sanderson
James Spence
James Sturz
James Wood
Jan Susina
Jane Austen
Jane Bernard
Jane Grigson
Jane Lane
Jane Renouf
Janet McNeill
Jasmes H. Mills
Jasper Fforde
Jean Beraud Villars
Jean Dunlop
Jean Lindsay
Jean Stewart
Jeannett Mirsky
Jeannette Stratton Porter
Jeff Guy
Jeffrey C. Robinson
Jenny Pitman
Jeremy Walton
Jeremy Wilson
Jermain G. Porter
Jerome K. Jerome
Jerry Fitch
Jessica Lofthouse
Jilly Cooper
Jim Asher,Martin Warren and Others
Jim Hague
Jim Hughes
Jim Phelan
Joan Acocella
Joan Aiken
Joan Rees
Joanna Catlow
Joanna Trollope
Joanne Harris
Joe Cooper
Joe Root
Joe Simpson
Joel Chandler Harris
Joel Townsley Rogers
Joey Giambra
Johanne Leusden
John A Love
John Adlard
John Albert White
John Aldridge with Hyder Jawad
John Bickerdyke
John Blashford-Snell and Rula Lenska
John Bowen
John Brunner
John Buchan
John Bunyan
John C Snaith
John Calvin
John Carter and Percy Muir
John Christopher
John Clavell Mansel-Pleydell
John Coleman-Cooke
John Connolly
John Connor
John D MacDonald
John Dickson Carr
John Dos Passos
John Dryden
John Esten (Man Ray)
John F. Addyman
John Fairfax and Sylvia Cook
John Foss
John Fowles
John Francome
John Francome & James Macgregor
John G. Brandon
John G. Neihardt
John Gains
John Galsworthy
John Gardner
John Giaever
John Gloag
John Gloag and Derek Bridgwater
John Goldthorpe
John Gough
John Grierson
John Hanbury-Tracy
John Hanning Speke
John Harris
John Harvey
John Hayman (Edited By)
John Henderson
John Howard
John Howells
John Jarrett
John Keats
John L. Jerome Hart
John Laband
John Le Carre
John Lodwick
John Logan Campbell
John M Rattey
John M. MacKenzie
John Macken
John Marlowe
John Masefield
John Maxwell
John McAleer
John McDermott
John Milton
John Mole
John Morris
John Mortimer
John Neville Greaves
John Norman Harris
John O'Gaunts Bowmen
John O'Grady
John Osborne
John Owen
John P. Parkinson-Bailey
John Postlethwaite
John Prebble
John R Kellett
John Rankine
John Raven and Max Walters
John Roberts
John Rowland and Lord Cadman
John Ruskin
John S. Galbraith
John Saul
John Sibly
John Smeaton
John Steinbeck
John Strachey
John Symonds
John T Clayton
John Thomas Evans
John Trevena
John Troughton
John Vyvyan (From The Library of C Day Lewis)
John Walker
John Watney
John Welcome
John Welcome and Rupert Collens
John Wells
John Wilcox
John Winslowe
John. G. Cox
Jon Berry
Jon Curson,David Quinn and David Beadle
Jon Thompson
Jonathan Grant
Jonathan Rigby
Jonathan Sumption
Jonathan Swift
Joseph Delaney
Joseph Harriss
Joseph Heller
Joseph Mitchell
Joseph Smith
Joshua Teitelbaum
Joyce Cary
JP Mackinnon and Sydney Shadbolt
Judith Merril
Jules Lemaitre
Jules Marchal
Jules Verne
Julia Johnson
Julian Brown
Julian Mackenzie (Edited By)
Julian Morel
Julian Stockwin
Julie G. Marshall
Julie Pearson
Julius Berstl
Justine C. Glass
K Onwuka Dike
K.F. Barker
K.H. Vignoles
K.P.S. Menon
Kara K Keeling and Scott T Pollard
Karl Alfred Von Zittel (Translated By Maria M Ogilvie-Gordon)
Kastner,J.C. (Edited By)
Kate Charles
Kate Mosse
Kathleen Ainslie
Kathleen Fitzpatrick
Kay Bailey Hutchinson
Kay Boyle
Keith Brockie
Keith Richardson
Ken Crocket & Simon Richardson
Ken Gorman
Kenneth Charles Edwards
Kenneth Giles
Kenneth Grahame
Kevin Baker
Kevin M McCarthy
Kevin Wilby (Edited By)
Kingsley Amis
Kiran Desai
Kurt Vonnegut
L Conrad Hartley
L David
L Protheroe Smith
L Sprague De Camp
L. Harrison Matthews
L.A. Knight
L.F. Cooling and Others
L.H. Gann & Peter Duignan
L.H. Gann and Peter Duignan
L.H.C. Tippett
L.J.K. Setright
L.P. Kirwan
L.T. Meade
L.T.C. Rolt
Lafcadio Hearn
Lainema,Matti and Juha Nurminen
Lamar Cecil
Larwence G Green
Laurence Housman
Laurence Sandy and WJ Bassett-Lowke and Paul B Mann
Laurence Stapleton
Laurie Lee
Lawrence Block
Lawrence Durrell
Lawrence Earl
Lawrence Langner
Lawrie McMenemy
Le Corbusier
Lee Langley
Lehmann J. Oppenheimer
Leigh Maxwell
Len Deighton
Leo Hollis
Leo Houlding
Leo Turrini
Leonard Bacon
Leonard Piper
Leonard West
Leone B Moats
Lesley Grant-Adamson
Leslie A Paul
Leslie Charteris
Leslie Coulson
Leslie Stephen
Leslie Thomas
Lester Bromberg
Leveson Francis Vernon-Harcourt
Lewis Orde
Lewis Pelly
Libby Houston
Lieut-Colonel Charles Hordern
Lieut-Colonel E.W.C. Sandes
Lieut-Colonel Sir Frederick O'Connor
Lieut-Commander A.C. Bell
lieut-Frank Magee
Lieutenant-Colonel H Moyse-Bartlett
Lilias Rider Haggard
Linda Barnes
Linda Blandford
Linda Davies
Lindsay Clarke
Lindsey Davis
Lionel Hutchinson
Lisbet Koerner and David Brian Dick
Lois Eby and John Fleming
Lord Leverhulme
Lord Raglan
Lord Randolph S. Churchill
Lord Ribblesdale
Lord Stamp
Lord Walsingham and Sir Ralph Payne-Gallwey
Louie Pollard
Louis Devere
Louise Welsh
Lovat Fraser
Lowell Thomas
Lt Col P Hawker
Lt Col W.P. Drury
Lt Commander P.K. Kemp
LTC Rolt
Lucie Marchal
Lucille Fletcher
Lucy Fitch Perkins
Lucy P Chester
Ludwig W. Adamec
Lydia Kokkola
Lynda La Plante
Lynne Reid Banks
Lynne Truss
Lytton Strachey
M Appert
M Johnson
M Louise McLaughlin
M. J. Trow
M.D. Smith
M.E. Chaber
M.E. Yapp
M.F. Hill
M.J.B. Davy
M.J.T. Lewis
M.L. Armitt
M.W. Daly
Maarjorie Kinnan Rawlings
Mabel Loomis Todd
Macdonald Hastings
Madame Celeste
Madame Cottin
Maggie O'Farrell
Magnus Magnusson
Major A.G. Leonard
Major A.J. Dawson
Major Charles Gilson
Major Gordon Burge
Major J.R.L. Macdonald
Major W Brook Northey
Major-General Sir Francis De Guingand
Malcolm Barnes (Edited By)
Malcolm Bradbury
Malcolm Brown (Edited By)
Malcolm Saville
Malcolm Yorke,Simon Lawrence
Manda Scott
Marc Staniszewski
Marcel Kurz (Edited By)
Marcus Clarke
Margaret & Beatrice De Courcy (Edited By)
Margaret Carnegie and Frank Shields
Margaret Drabble
Margaret E Murie
Margaret Hayes
Margaret Masterman
Margaret Meek and Victor Watson
Margaret Tarrant Frank Coles
Margery Perham
Margery Perham & J Simmons
Margery Wharton
Maria Edgeworth
Marian Kent
Maribel Edwin
Marie C Leighton and Robert Leighton
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Marius Fortie
Marjorie Bowen
Marjorie Buckingham
Mark Caywood
Mark Channing
Mark Cocker
Mark Haddon
Mark Hardie
Mark Twain
Marlon James
Marmaduke Pickthall
Marshall Snipes and Bob Burke
Martin Amis
Martin Jarred and Malcolm Macdonald
Martin Lindsay
Martin Stephen
Mary A Conley
Mary Agnes Hamilton
Mary D Brine
Mary E Richardson
Mary Lee Settle
Mary Norton
Mary Paulson-Ellis
Mary Priestley
Mary Purcell
Mary Roberts Rinehart
Mary S. Lovell
Marylyn Jackson Parins (Edited By)
Matilda Hursburgh
Matthew S. Seligmann
Maureen Melvin
Maureen Peters
Maurice Collis
Maurice Edelman
Maurice Ingham
Maurice Ingham and Richard Walker
Maurice Maeterlinck
Maurice Walsh
Maurice Wemyss
Max Beerbohm
Max Dvorak (Translated By John Hardy)
Max Von Boehn
Maxwell Hall
Maysie Greig
Meg Clothier
Mekki Abbas
Mekki Shibeika
Melissa Jones
Melvin Page (Edited By)
Melvyn Bragg
Mervyn Lewis
Michael Andrews
Michael Bond
Michael Cooper (Edited By)
Michael Craze (Vernon Scannell's Copy)
Michael Crowder
Michael Dibdin
Michael Dobbs
Michael Gardiner
Michael Gelfand
Michael Gilbert
Michael Hastings
Michael J Clarke
Michael J Freeman and Derek H. Aldcroft
Michael Jecks
Michael Juste (Pseudonym Michael Houghton)
Michael Lewis
Michael Maurice
Michael Moorcock
Michael Ondaatje
Michael Owen
Michael Pereira
Michael Quentin Morton
Michael R Bailey (Edited By)
Michael Roberts (Signed By Author Julian Symons)
Michael Sadleir
Michael Smith
Michel Hoang
Mickey Vann with Richard Coomber
Mike Jackman
Mike Nevell,John Roberts and Jack Smith
Mike Pennington,Kevin Osborn,Paul Harvey & Others
Mike Purkiss with Rev Nigel Sands
Mildred Cable and Francesca French
Minette Walters
Mir Husain & Ali Khan Kirmani (Translated By Col W Miles)
Miriam Underhill
Miss Corner (Julia Corner)
Mme Doudet
Mme Marie Schild
Mo Yan
Monica Ali
Montague & Ann Lloyd
Montague Summers
Morag Joss
Moreton Frewen
Morinosuke Kajima
Moritz Khan
Mother Goose
Moudi M Abdul-Aziz
Mouloud Mammeri
Mount Everest Committee
Mr G Royde Smith
Mrs A.B. Marshall
Mrs Aria
Mrs Booth (Catherine)
Mrs Charles E.B. Russell (Edited By)
Mrs Daniel Chester French
Mrs Gaskell
Mrs H.C. Cradock
Mrs H.R. Haweis
Mrs Harriet Beecher Stowe
Mrs Oliphant
Muriel Spark
Murray Smith
Mutsu Munemitsu (Translated By Gordon Mark Berger)
N. Bayley
Nan Brown
Nancy Mitford
Nancy Spain
Naomi Mitchison
Nat Fleischer
Nat Lofthouse as told to Andrew Collomosse
Nathaniel R. Richardson
Nathaniel Whittock
Neal Barrett Jr
Ned Kelly with Eric Brown
Neil Bell
Neil Pearson
Neville Peat
Nicholas Blake
Nicholas Rhea
Nicholas Tarling (Edited By)
Nick Hornby
Nick McDowell
Nicola Bayley, William Mayne
Nicola Thorne
Nigel Balchin
Nigel Tranter
Nigel Vaux Halliday
Nikolaus Pevsner
NO Author
No Author Attributed
No Author Credited
No Author Featured
No Author Listed
Nora Kent
Norman Croucher
Norman Davey
Norman Davidson
Norman Elkins
Norman Giller
Norman Hiekin
Norman Lewis
Norman M Penzer
Norman Mailer
Norman Nicholson
Norman Whiteside
Norrey's Jephson O'Conor
Not Stated
O.B. Clarence
Octave Uzanne
Oddm Ljone
Olinthus J Vignoles
Olive Naylor
Oliver Goldsmith
Oliver Stewart
Orsino Fulvio
Osbert Sitwell
Oscar Wilde
Osman Edwards
Othmar Gurtner (Intro By)
Owen Ashmore
Owen Dudley Edwards
Owen Lattimore
Oxford University Press
P.A.L. Vine
P.D. James
P.D. Reeves (Edited By)
P.G. Downes
P.G. Wodehouse
P.J. Holmes
P.M. Holt
Pamela Atwell
Pamela Hill
Pamela Moore
Pamela Pope
Panu Nykanen and Hannu Paulapuro
Papus (Translated By A.P. Morton)
Parshotam Mehra
Pascal James Imperato
Patric Dickinson
Patricia Cornwell
Patricia Craig and Mary Cadogan
Patrick Balfour
Patrick Brodie
Patrick Chalmers
Patrick Delaforce
Patrick Gale
Patrick Hall
Patrick Hamilton
Patrick Leigh Fermor
Patrick Lore
Patrick M Synge
Patrick Macgill
Patrick McCabe
Patrick Mcgill
Patrick O'Brian
Patrick Redmond
Paul Agnew
Paul Atterbury
Paul Conrad
Paul Dobraszczyk
Paul Evan Lehman
Paul Gallico
Paul Gascoigne with Hunter Davies
Paul Henri-Michel (Translated By Dr R.E.W. Maddison)
Paul Joannou,Bill Swann and Steve Corke
Paul Kieve
Paul Nash (Compiled By)
Paul Pilotaz
Paul R Hare
Paul Scholes with Ivan Ponting
Paul Skilleter
Paul W. Fairman
Paula Hawkins
Pauline Melville
Pavel Nizovoy
Peggy Barwell and Nigel Morland
Penelope Tuson
Penny Watson
Per Alstrom and Krister Mild
Percy Brebner
Percy Coates
Percy Sykes
Percy Westerman
Peregrine Horden (Edited By)
Pete Hamill
Peter Abrahams
Peter Ackroyd
Peter Aspinall and Daphne Hudson
Peter Bacho
Peter Baughan
Peter Berresford Ellis and Piers Williams
Peter Blake
Peter Brimblecombe
Peter Brook
Peter Carey
Peter Chambers
Peter Chandor
Peter Field
Peter Haining
Peter Jones
Peter L. Payne
Peter Lewis
Peter McLaughlin
Peter Nichols
Peter Parry
Peter Redgrove
Peter Roebuck (Edited By)
Peter Shaffer
Peter Shakeshaft
Peter Shankland
Peter Smalley
Peter Tonkin
Peter Willett
PG Wodehouse
Phil Shirley
Phil Smith
Phil Thompson
Philip Daniels
Philip Dick
Philip Higgs
Philip K Hitti
Philip Macdonald
Philip McCutchan
Philip Porter
Philip Pullman
Philip R Warhurst
Philip Roth
Philip Ward
Philip Woodruff
Philip Ziegler
Phillis Cunnington & Catherine Lucas
Phyllis Bottome
Pierre Mariel
Posy Simmonds
premen Addy
Prince Leopold of Loewenstein
Princess Michael of Kent
Priscilla Masters
Priya Satia
Prof E.G.R. Taylor
Purabi Roy (Editor)
Quintin Jardine
R Angus Smith
R Blennerhassett and L Sleeman
R Cunliffe Shaw
R Dagley
R Dallas Brett
R Prawer Jhabvala
R Randal Phillips
R.A. Dick
R.A. Lafferty
R.A. Lewis
R.B. Freeman
R.C.F Schomberg
R.C.S. Walters
R.G. Hackett
R.H. Bruce Lockhart
R.H. Kiernan
R.H. Mottram
R.H. Parsons
R.J. Anderson
R.L. Stevenson
R.M Bevan
R.S. Crossley
R.S. Fitton and A.P. Wadsworth (Signed By R.S. Fitton)
R.S. Summerhayes
R.V. Tooley
R.W. Beachey
R.W. Brunskill
R.W. Munro
R.W. Rennison
Raleigh Trevelyan
Ralph Barker
Ralph L Powell
Ralph Steadman
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ray Goble & Andrew Ward
Ray Illingworth with Steve Whiting
Ray Ingleton
Ray Simpson
Raymond Cole and Richard Lorch
Raymond Dawson
Raymond E Weich and Robert F Srauss
Raymond Lister
Rear-Admiral Noel Wright
Reg Green
Reginald Hill
Reinhold Ebertin
Reinhold Messner and A Gogna
Rev A.F.A. Woodford
Rev C.P. Meehan
Rev Dr Richard L Hills
Rev F.O. Morris
Rev Fortescue L.M. Anderson
Rev H.D. Rawnsley
Rev H.R. Haweis
Rev J Hodgson
Rev J.E. Linnell
Rev J.L. Saywell
Rev John Graves
Rev Thomas Milner
Rev W Awdry
Rev W Houghton
Rev'd Richard Warner
Rex Lardner
Rex Warner
Rhys Davies
Richard Adams
Richard Ainsworth
Richard Aldington
Richard B. Fisher
Richard Baxell
Richard Burdsall and Arthur B Emmons
Richard Byrom
Richard Clapham
Richard Davis
Richard Dawkins
Richard Digance
Richard Dunwoody
Richard F Burton (Intro By H.T. Lambrick)
Richard F. Burton
Richard Farmer
Richard Furness
Richard Garrett
Richard Gray
Richard Hill
Richard Hughes
Richard J Evans
Richard Jefferies
Richard Kearton
Richard Kieckhefer
Richard Matheson
Richard Owen
Richard Pankhurst
Richard Price
Richard Schofield (Edited By)
Richard Sennett
Richard Stark
Richard Trench and Ellis Hillman
Richard Wyndham
Richmal Crompton
Rio Ferdinand with Decca Aitkenhead
Roald Dahl
Roark Bradford
Rob Maylin
Rober O Collins
Robert A Cheke,Clive Mann and Richard Allen
Robert A Huttenback
Robert Challoner
Robert Crane
Robert De Luce
Robert Dean Frisbie
Robert Edison Fulton Jr
Robert Edwards
Robert Galbraith
Robert Galbraith (JK Rowling)
Robert Graves
Robert H Bates and Others
Robert Hartman
Robert Heinlein
Robert Henriques
Robert Holles
Robert I Rotberg
Robert Jakoubek
Robert Keable
Robert Louis Stevenson
Robert Low
Robert Lundberg
Robert Macfarlane
Robert Markham (Kingsley Amis)
Robert Neill
Robert Raymond
Robert Ryan
Robert Southey
Robert Speake (Edited By)
Robert W. Service
Robert Wells
Robin Restall
Roddy Doyle
Roderick Gordon
Roderick Milton
Roger Anstey
Roger Anstey and P.E.H. Hair (Edited By)
Roger Lovegrove
Roger Mear and Robert Swan
Roger Perkins
Roger Smalley
Roger W. Suddards
Roland Huntford
Roland Oliver & Anthony Atmore
Roland Pertwee
Ronald Kaulback
Ronald Kirkbride
Ronald Mitchell
Ronnie Wharton
Rosalba Carriera (Giovanni Vianelli)
Rosalind Wade
Rosemary Friedman
Rosemary Harris
Rosemary Parslow
Rosemary Rees
Rosemary Sutcliff
Roslund and Hellstrom
Roy Maclaren
Roy Manning
Ruari McLean
Ruby M Ayres
Rudolf Steiner
Rudyard Kipling
Rudyard Kipling and Wolcott Balestier
Rupert Brooke
Ruth Rendell
Ryan Gattis
S Fowler Wright
S Hunt E Stevens (Edited By)
S.C. Roberts
S.De. Cristofaro
S.H. Peplow and M Barker
S.H. Williams and F. Madan
S.J. Du Toit
S.J.S. Cookey
S.K. Bhuyan
S.P. Olivier
S.W. Stevens-Stratten
Sallie Lee Bell
Salvador Dali & Louis Pauwels
Sam Roberts
Samuel Palmer
Samuel Rogers
Samuel W Taylor
Samuel Youd
Sandi Toksvig
Sarah Dunant
Sarah Waters
Saul Bellow
Scott Anderson
Scott Reintgen
Seamark (Austin J Small)
Seamus Heaney
Sean McMeekin
Sebastian Faulks
Selby Wynn Schwartz
Selma Lagerlof
Sergt Major S.G. Noakes
Seton Dearden
Seymour Becker
Sheila Kaye-Smith
Shelagh Macdonald
Shelley (Arranged By CH Hertford)
Shelley (Edited By Richard Garnett)
Shirley Guiton
Shohei Ooka (Translated By Ivan Morris)
Showell Styles
Sidney and Beatrice Webb
Sidney Butterworth
Simon C Smith
Simon Scarrow
Simon Scarrow and T.J. Andrews
Simon Winchester
Sir Alec Kirkbride
Sir Algernon Rumbold
Sir Auckland Colvin
Sir Cuthbert Headlam
Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton
Sir Francis Younghusband
Sir Geoffrey Archer
Sir Harry Johnston
Sir Henry Newbolt
Sir Mortimer Wheeler and Katherine Richardson
Sir Percival Griffiths
Sir Richard Burton
Sir Richard Burton (Edited By Julian Franklin)
Sir Robert Windham Graves
Sir Samuel W. Baker,Pacha
Sir Thomas Noon Telfourd
Sir Tom Finney with Eddie Cotton
Sir William Russell Flint
Sir William Willcocks
Sirhan Ibn Sa'id Ibn Sirhan,E.C Ross,SB Miles etc
Sophie Hannah
SP Krasheninnikov (Translated By James Grieve)
Stanley Johnson
Stanley Unwin and Severn Storr
Stanton Hope
Stave Madge and Phil McGowan
Stefan Muthesius
Stefan Pollatschek (Translated By Gerald Griffin)
Stella Benson
Stella Duffy
Stella Mead
Stephanie Tyler and Stephen Ormerod
Stephen Clarke
Stephen Dorril
Stephen Hebron
Stephen Leacock
Stephen Toulmin
Stephen Volk
Stephen Watts
Stephen Whittle
Steve Chilton and Denise Park
Steve Madge and Hilary Burn
Steve Ragnall
Steve Shagan
Steven G Marks
Stevie Smith
Stieg Larsson
Stirling Everard
Storm Jameson
Stuart Fleming
Stuart Hill
Stuart Pawson
Sue Grafton
Sue Limb
Susan Howatch
Susan Sontag
Susanna Gregory
Susanna Hoe and Derek Roebuck
Sutherland Ross
Suzanne Tiplady & Kevin Baverstock
Sydney Buxton
Sydney Clouts
Sydney Horler
T Donald Overfield
T Gowring
T Hedley Bell
T Sturge Moore
T.A.B. Corley
T.E. Lawrence
T.E. Shaw (T.E. Lawrence)
T.M Charlton
T.O. Ranger
T.R. Threlfall
T.S. Andrews
T.S. Ashton
T.S. Eliot
T.T. Macan and E.B Worthington
Tahmina Anam
Tatum O'Neal
TE Lawrence
Temi Oh
Terence Creagh Coen
Terrance Dolan
Terry Pratchett
The Architectural Press
The Countess of Jersey
The Countess of Norbury (Fay Ellis)
The Druid
The Spectre
Theda Kenyon
Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Sturgeon
Thomas Barclay
Thomas Best
Thomas Bodkin
Thomas De Quincey (Edited By Richard Garnett)
Thomas Ellison
Thomas Gray
Thomas Hajkowski
Thomas Inman
Thomas Jones and Joseph Rhodes
Thomas L Nichols
Thomas Larry Adcock
Thomas Mann
Thomas Moult
Thomas Myler
Thomas Sheppard
Thomas Weir
Thomas West
Thomas Wolfe
Thomas Wright
Thos D Murphy
Thos Johnson
Tiffany McDaniel
Tiffany Thayer
Tim Madge
Tim Parks
Tim Robinson
Tim Severin
Titus Thornber
Tobias King
Tom Chesshyre
Tom Fletcher Buntin
Tom Gibson
Tom J Hopkins
Tom Sharpe
Tom Smith
Tom Weir
Tom West
Tommy Smith with Ken Rogers
Tomy Finney as Told To David Jack
Tony Benn
Tony Harris and Kim Franklin
Tony Juniper and Mike Parr
Tony Miles
Tony Ring, Geoffrey Jaggard
Tony Russell
Tracy Chevalier
Translated By A.G. Readett
Trent Lott
Trevor I Williams and T.K. Derry
Trevor Wignall
Tuomo Polvinen
UIrich Schweinfurth and Heidrun Schweinfurth-Marby
V.E.O.Stevenson- Hamilton
V.R. Anderson and G.K. Fox
V.S Pritchett
V.S. Naipaul
Val Cheke
Valerie Hansen
Valerio Massimo Manfredi
Vanessa Joosen and Katrien Vloeberghs
Various Contributors
Various Poets
Venetia Savile
Vernon Ball
Vernon Bartlett
Vernon Scannell
Verrier Elwin
Victor Bayley
Victor Koman
Vikram Bhatt
Violet R Markham
Viscount Mersey
Vita Sackville-West
W Baring Pemberton
W Carter Platts
W Heath Robinson
W Heaton Cooper
W Murdoch Duncan
W P W Phillimore and John Standish
W Sanderson
W Someset Maugham
W. McGregor Ross
W.A. Dutt
W.A. Kerr
W.A. Poucher
W.A.B. Coolidge (Edited By)
W.C. Heinz
W.E. Johns
W.E.D. Allen
W.F. Topham
W.G. Beasley
W.G. Collingwood
W.H. Auden
W.H. Auden and Chester Kallman
W.H. Canaway
W.H. Chaloner
W.H. Clements
W.H. Murray
W.H. Pearsall and W Pennington
W.H. Potts
W.J. Burley
W.J. Miles + J.L. Lupton
W.J. Miles + John Walker,Samuel Preston & Others
W.J. Turner
W.K. Fraser-Tytler (Revised By MC Gillett)
W.N. Osborough
W.P. Morrell
W.R. Mitchell
W.S. Desai
W.V. Brelsford
W.W. Jacobs
Waddy wadsworth & Others
Walt Disney
Walter Bonatti
Walter De La Mare
Walter Dexter (Edited By)
Walter Gibson
Walter J. Gadsby
Walter Scott
Walter Wilkinson
Walter Wilson
Ward Moore
Wells Jerome
Wendelle Stevens and August Roberts
Whitley Strieber
Wilbur Smith
Wilbur Wright
Wilfred Mark Webb
Wilfred Partington
Wilfred Thesiger
Wilfrid Diamond
Wilfrid Noyce
Will Whitehead
William Albert
William Ashton
William Boyd
William Duncan Macray
William Edwards
William Fairbairn
William Farrer & John F Curwen
William Faulkner
William Finaughty
William Golding
William Hemingway Mills
William Hone
William Illsley
William Irish
William Mayne
William Nelson
William O'Connor Morris
William Radcliffe
William Robertson
William Russell Beith
William Sansom
William Shakespeare
William Shield
William Speirs Bruce (Edited By Peter Speak)
William Stivers
William T Dobson
William T. Silent
William Willcocks
William Yarrell
Winifred Duke
Winston Churchill
Wm J Tucker
Wm Roger Louis
WM Thackeray
Wu Ch'eng-en (Trans By Arthur Waley)
Wyndham Lewis
Wyndham Lewis (Edited By Alan Munton)
Zane Grey
Zara S. Steiner
Zbigniew Szydlo
Zoe Yalland